How to Deploy vCenter Server Appliance 5.5

vCenter Server Appliance 5.5 is a module for vCenter Server. VMware provide the simple way to deploy vCenter Server Appliance 5.5 into ESXi 5.5. It is via .ova or the .ovf file that can be download officially at VMware website.

How to Deploy vCenter Server Appliance 5.5

1. To download the vCenter Server Appliance 5.x:
a) Go to the VMware Download Center
b) Under Datacenter & Cloud Infrastructure, click VMware vSphere.
C) Within that section, next to VMware vCenter Server 5.x and modules, click Download.

deploy vcenter server appliance 5

Note: The vCenter Server Appliance can be deployed by downloading either the .ova file or the .ovf and VMDK system and data disk files. The below screenshot was prepared using downloading OVA file.

  • VMware vCenter Server 5.x Appliance – OVF File
  • VMware vCenter Server 5.x Appliance – System Disk
  • VMware vCenter Server 5.x Appliance – Data Disk
  • VMware vCenter Server 5.x Appliance – OVA File

2. Login through VSphere  Client to ESXi 5.5 host. Go to File Tab -> Deploy OVF Template..

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3. Browse to the location of the vCenter Server Appliance downloaded .ova or the .ovf file and click Open.

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4. In the OVF Template Details page, click Next.

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5. Enter the name of your vCenter Server Appliance and click Next.

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6. Select a datastore and click Next. Select a Thin Provision disk format and click Next.

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7. Click Finish.

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8. The wizard will deploying the vApps5.5.

deploy vcenter server appliance 5

9.  Click Close to complete the deployment of the VMware vCenter Server Appliance.

deploy vcenter server appliance 5

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