How to Install 389 LDAP Windows Console Client on Windows

389389 Directory Server is an enterprise-class open source Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) server. In order to manage this 389 directory server from windows, you need to install 389 Windows Console Client. This post will describes the steps to install 389 Windows Console Client on Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 2003 and Windows 2008. Please note that 389 Windows Console now (as of April 3, 2009) requires Java 1.6 to work.

1. Install Java.

2. Download 389 Console for windows.

Platform File SHA1SUM
Windows 32-bit 389-Console-1.1.6-i386.msi 95590970a5e1de183ba508ff450958c495c8ae15
Windows 64-bit 389-Console-1.1.6-x86_64.msi 5a125647d536a3f7ee1a1ee6157eb4c90e7ac631


3. Double click the downloaded installer and click next.

4. Once completed the installation wizard, click finish button.

5. Login to your 389 Directory server.

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